
Wrap conversions

Little Frog wrap converted into a Rock Solid Slings pod.
We don't do wrap conversions, but we can help you find great people who do, and who we know will do a fantastic job of turning your wrap into a different type of baby carrier.
Plus, we're happy to post your new wrap directly to converters, saving you time and money.
So we recommend......
The awesome Carrie Roberts at Rock Solid Slings will waive the £5 laundry charge if you buy your wrap from Koala Slings and have it sent directly to her. Rock Solid Slings pods are just brilliant, we have three in our sling library and we love them for their versatility and simplicity. Choose your favourite woven wrap from us, ask us to post it to Carrie, arrange your pod order here - Rock Solid Slings - and wait patiently for your new pod! Carrie won't even charge the usual laundry fee to prepare your wrap for conversion.
What's a rockbu??! You need to visit Rock Solid Slings  to find out more! Just as with the pod, we can send your wrap directly to Carrie for conversion, and she'll wash it ready to start chopping and sewing into a Rockbu.